Info: 'Charts > Disk is a utility file for the MacRoots genealogy program. A chart (Ancestor, Descendant, etc) for the selected individual will be sent to a disk file of type TEXT.'
Bounds: x1=59, y1=6, x2=237, y2=24
Type: 8
Info: 'Charts > Disk Version 1.3'
Bounds: x1=59, y1=24, x2=314, y2=42
Type: 8
Info: 'Copyright 1987 by Bruce W. Muckala'
Bounds: x1=59, y1=42, x2=276, y2=61
Type: 8
Info: 'Rt.1 Box 408 Bagley MN 56621'
Bounds: x1=11, y1=137, x2=368, y2=176
Type: 8
Info: 'The chart may then be loaded from a word processor to be further formatted, stylized, and printed.'
Bounds: x1=11, y1=175, x2=368, y2=207
Type: 8
Info: 'Charts > Disk 1.3 is for versions 4.8 or later of MacRoots.'